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Nikoleychuck-Petro, Katherine

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Nikoleychuck-Petro, Katherine Empty Nikoleychuck-Petro, Katherine

Message par Invité Jeu 17 Oct 2013, 12:41

GBRO a écrit:Lieu de naissance : Lehr, Dakota du Nord, États-Unis
Date de naissance : 15 septembre 1904
Lieu de décès : Swift Current, Saskatchewan, Canada
Date de décès : 3 février 2010
PETRO - Katherine (Kay), age 105, of Herbert Heritage Manor and formerly of Swift Current and Simmie passed away on Feb. 3rd, 2010. Kay was born on September 15, 1904 in Lehr, ND and in 1917 moved south of Maple Creek with her parents. She worked in the Maple Creek Hospital until she married Andrew Petro on April 20st, 1925. They lived on his homestead near Walsh until moving to Winnipeg and later Fox Valley. For the next 24 years, along with her husband, Kay helped pioneer the new town of Simmie serving as storekeeper, postmistress and homemaker. Kay was an active member of the community and several clubs including Birthday, Welfare and Hobo Clubs, as well as the Canadian Legion and CWL. She loved her family, entertaining, playing cards, shuffleboard and bingo, dancing and doing needlework - until Macular Degeneration left her legally blind. Proper decorum was important to her and family members will always remember the views of their Matriarch.
Katherine was predeceased by her parents, Mike and Nellie Nikoleychuk, her nine siblings and their spouses, her husband Andrew in 1963, her sons James (2004), Bob (2003) and her grandson Barry Wall (1993). She is survived by her children: Joyce (Matt) Stevenson of Ottawa, Victor (Anne) Petro of Hamilton, Gail (George) Wall of Regina and her daughter-in-law Velma Petro of Saskatoon; grandchildren Greg (Faye) of Athabasca, Darryl and Cheryl Stevenson of Ottawa; Roberta (Martin) Smith of Toronto, Rosalyn (Steve) LaRochelle of Kitchener, Jeff Petro of Hamilton; Gayle Grant (Derek) of Saskatoon, Lyle (Karen) Petro of Saskatoon, Mayda (Gerard)Zaluski of Dalmeny; Todd (Kari) of Lethbridge; Darla (Denis) Carignan of Regina, Murray (Lorenne) Wall of Regina; great-grandchildren Kristin Stevenson (Erin) of Edmonton, Gina (Andre) LeFebvre of Fort McMurray, Eric Stevenson of Athabasca; Trevor and Nicola Smith of Toronto; Luc, Mathieu and Melanie LaRochelle of Kitchener; Kaitlyn Petro; Sean Grant of Saskatoon; Eric, Keith and Leanne Petro of Saskatoon; Alexandra, Dylan and Mitchell of Dalmeny; Braeden, Steven and Ryan Petro of Lethbridge; Liam, Evan, Ryan and Brettin Carignan of Regina; Aidan and Anya Wall of Regina and several nieces and nephews.
A celebration of her life was held Tuesday, Feb.9th at 1 pm at Christ the Redeemer Catholic Parish in Swift Current with Father Anthony officiating. Internment service was at Memory Gardens in Swift Current. Ushers were Glenn Bratvold, Keith Bratvold, Gordon Modien and Darwin Davidson. Pallbearers were Greg Stevenson, Lyle Petro, Jeff Petro, Murray Wall, Gerard Zaluski and Denis Carignan. Honorary pallbearers were all those who shared in her life. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Canadian Cancer Society or a charity of your choice in her memory would be appreciated. Warren\'s Funeral Home, Swift Current, SK entrusted with arrangements. For further information call 1-306-773-8831 or 1-800-267-6606 or visit our website at and express your sympathy to family members in our book of condolences.

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